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Previous Exhibitions

'Subconscious Worlds' Solo Exhibition from 25 April - 21 May 2018 at the Egg Café in Liverpool city centre, 16 - 18 Newington, Liverpool, L1 4ED
[Monday to Friday 9am to 10.30pm, Sat/Sun 10am to 10.30pm]

"The ‘Thoughts’ paintings are metaphors for thoughts and feelings. This exhibition is a continuation of my artistic explorations into how feelings and emotions can be visually expressed."










'Tapping into Inner Worlds' Solo Exhibition from 4 August - 10 September 2017 at the Egg Café in Liverpool city centre, 16 - 18 Newington, Liverpool, L14ED [Monday to Friday 9am to 10.30pm, Sat/Sun 10am to 10.30pm]

"The exhibition represents ten years’ research into feelings and emotions connected with learning. My ‘Thoughts’ paintings were done as part of my research into feelings and learning - they portray emotions, ideas and moods."

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© Dr Jennifer Anne Hawkins 2022. All human and reproduction rights reserved.

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